
Bahwa Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: "Barangsiapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu, maka dia mendapatkan pahala orang yang mengamalkannya, tidak mengurangi dari pahala orang yang mengamalkannya sedikitpun".
"Barangsiapa dikehendaki baginya kebaikan oleh Allah, maka Dia akan memberikan PEMAHAMAN AGAMA kepadanya.” (HR. Bukhari no. 71 dan Muslim no. 1037)


Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Sang Penulis: Muhammad Aziz

Currently taking undergraduate course at Materials and Metallurgicals Engineering study program,
Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology (ITS),
with GPA 3.60 out of 4 scales.
creative, can work under pressure, strong analytic thinking, passionate, fast learner  good in leadership
-       The most progessive staff Departement of SYIAR JMMI-ITS (2012/2013)
-       Received Scholarship from Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) (2012-present)
-       Received Scholarship from PT. Asahi Glass (2011-2012)
-       The most progessive staff Departement of KESMA HMMT FTI-ITS (2011/2012)
-       4th Winner in Physics Contest Olympiad (held by physic of departement, State University of Malang  : 2009)
-       Semi Finalist in Chemistry Olympiad (held by Chemistry of Departement, UNAIR  : 2010)
-       Semi Finalist in Chemistry Olympiad (held by Chemistry of Departement, UNESA  : 2010)
-       Participant in pre of level physic OSN (Olimpiad Sains National) sub-province jombang, East Java (held by Depdiknas : 2009)

-     Materials and Metallurgical Engineering                                         
Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology (ITS) Surabaya (GPA 3.60 out of 4 scale)
 -    SMAN 2 Jombang, East Java                                               (GPA 54,40  out of 60 scale)
-    Certification K3 : Ahli K3 Umum
Ability to explain the duties, powers and responsibilities AK3. Explain the rights of workers in the field K3. Ability to explain to employers that attempt K3 profitable for the company • Ability to explain the purpose of the management system K3 (SMK3). • Ability to explain the accident reporting system. Able to analyze the case of an accident and can prepare an accident report to the relevant parties. Ability to recognize P2K3, duties, responsibilities and authority of this organization. Ability to recognize guidance and supervision of K3 at the enterprise level, National and International• Ability to identify the object K3 supervision.  Ability to know the requirements and compliance with laws and regulations in the workplace. Ability to know the requirements of health and safety in the workplace• Ability to determine the scope of the audit process and to measure the level of achievement.
-    Certification K3 : Confined Spaces
Ability to identify of the plant facility in accordance with the characteristics of Confined Space Ability to management of risk in working in Confine Space Ability to permit to work system relevant to Confined Space Ability to isolation procedure relevancy Ability to definitions and types of hazards                
-       Volunteer Teacher of “SSV” at Paguyupan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) ITS (currently teaching SD) (2012- present)
-       Volunteer Teacher of “Aksi Belajar Ceria” at Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an (TPA) Al-Mustofa mosque (currently teaching SD and SMP students) (2012)
-       Mentor of Islam Mentoring at ITS (Leading and Teaching islam & motivation to first grade undergraduate students at ITS) (2012)
-       Work Part time in PROXSIS Consultans* supported to Training Confined Space (The aim of this Training is to prepare candidates to enter, working and exit low and medium risk confined spaces safely) (2012)
-       Assistant Lecturer of Heat Transfer (currently teaching heat transfer system to second grade undergraduate students at ITS) (2012/2013)
-       Assistant Lecturer of Mekanika Teknik (currently teaching Mechanical to first grade undergraduate students at ITS) (2011/2012)
-       Private Teacher (currently teaching SD in Surabaya) (2011-2013)
* PROXSIS Consultans. is A Leading Group of Business Solutions , Consulting and Technology in Indonesia Focusing on Business Process, Quality, HSE and Information Technology. Proxsis Inc. is a groups of many companies and business units: PROXSIS Business Process, PROXSIS IT, PROXSIS QHSE, ISC, IEC, IPQI, ITG.ID, and OMC.
-       1st Chief of Division of Keilmuan Syiar in Jamah Masjid Manarul Ilmi (JMMI) ITS (2012/2013). Lead and motivation 11 staffs, work as management fund team
-       Vice Chief of Division of Keilmuan Syiar in Jamah Masjid Manarul Ilmi (JMMI) ITS (2012/2013). Lead and motivation 11 staffs, work as management fund team
-       Staff of DPM (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa) ITS (2012/2013)
-       1st Chief of  Syi’ar in Ash-Haabul Kahfi (AK) ITS (20122013). Lead and motivation 9 staffs, work as management fund team
-       Staff of SSV in Paguyupan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) ITS  (2012/2013)
-       BPH (Badan Pengurus Harian) in Ash-Haabul Kahfi (AK) ITS (2012/2013)
-       Team Aplication Technology of Paguyupan Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) ITS  (2012/2013)
-       Team Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi (AHWA) in Ash-Haabul Kahfi (AK) ITS (2012/2013)
-       Staff of SSV in Paguyupan Karya Salemba Empat ITS (KSE) (2012//2013)
-       Staff of  Syi’ar in Ash-Haabul Kahfi (AK) ITS (2011/2012)
-       Staff of Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa (KESMA) in Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Material dan Metalurgi (HMMT) ITS (2011/2012)
-       Staff of Control System Divison in Antasena Shell Eco Marathon ITS Team 2012
-       Staff of Syiar in Remaja Masjid Miftahul Abror (RMMA) SMAN 2 Jombang (2008/2009)
-       Member in SINTECH SMAN 2 Jombang (2007/2008)
-       Member in KIR (Karya Ilmiah Remaja) (2007/2008)

-         Software                      : MsOffice, Ms Power Point, Ms Excel, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop,  Auto Cad, Wolfram Mathematica)
-          Operating System    : Windows
-          Language                   : Native Indonesian, Good in English

Enjoys studying self defelopment, studying all about psycology, reading, listening, writing, brain storming, and foot ball, Interested in leadership,
 and ceramic engineering skills


I declare that the particulars stated in this application and the attachments are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have not wilfully suppressed any material or fact


Surabaya, December 24th 2012
Muhammad Aziz

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaykum
    Keren mas... ahihihihihihihi.......
    Kunjungi profil ane di

